Nylon hose safety restraints are a durable and versatile alternative to hose safety whip check cables. In the event of a hose connection failure, the nylon hose safety restraint will hold the hose in place, preventing extremely dangerous hose whip and containing spills. The adjustable loop ends slip over the hose coupling and cinch tight against a stop seal, restraining each hose to the next or to the equipment. Nylon hose restraints offer higher working pressure capability than some steel cable restraints, and cover a wider range of hose diameters. With adjustable loop ends and a variety of standard lengths, these hose safety restraints can be installed in applications where varying diameters of hose are connected. Available in 1 ply through 4 ply thicknesses to handle standard to heavy duty service.

- Install with no slack: Loop ends should sit approximately 4X the inside diameter of the hose, from the end of the coupling ferrule. Extra slack can be utilized by making figure-8 (double wrapped) loop ends. Installing too close to the fitting increases the chance of the hose slipping from the restraint during a coupling-to-hose failure.
- Rubberized tape may be applied to slick-cover hose types to further prevent the hose from slipping from its restraint.
- Nylon Hose Restraints can be custom fabricated to fit your application and pressure requirements.
Nylon hose safety restraints can be installed without disconnecting the hose from its source. Wrap the restraint around the first hose and then pull the loop end through. Wrap the opposite end around the second hose or pipe twice, and then secure the loop to the restraint using a load rated 4-piece safety shackle. Eliminates the downtime and cost involved in draining a hose system to disconnect.
PDF Nylon Hose Restraint Size Chart
PDF Nylon Hose Restraint Pressure Rating Data Sheet
Nylon Hose Restraint Safety / Installation & Sizing Guide

Visit our blog for additional details on our complete line of Hose Safety Restraint Styles
MSHA & OSHA Requirement Statements:
MSHA 30 CFR § 56.13021
High-pressure hose connections
Except where automatic shutoff valves are used, safety chains or other suitable locking devices shall be used at connections to machines of high-pressure hose lines of 3/4-inch inside diameter or larger, and between high-pressure hose lines of 3/4-inch inside diameter or larger, where a connection failure would create a hazard.
OSHA 29 CFR § 1926.302(b)(1)
Pneumatic power tools shall be secured to the hose or whip by some positive means to prevent the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected.