Capital Rubber offers a wide selection of hose couplings, valves, clamps and accessories. Please contact us for assistance in designing and maintaining a safe hose system. Please also see our Hose Couplings menu for hose couplings and mating adapters.
Pneumatic Service Products:
Hose Safety Whip Checks
Nylon Hose Safety Restraints
Hose Clamps & Tools
Hose Reels
Pneumatic In Line Lubricator
Quick Disconnect Couplings
Water / Fluid Service Products:
Cam & Groove Couplings
Hose Nozzles
Hose Clamps & Tools
Hydrant Valves
Hydrant Adapters
Suction Strainers
Hydrant and Spanner Wrenches
Safety Bump Cam Lock Caps
Petroleum & Chemical Service:
Whip Stop Safety Restraints
Dry Disconnect Couplings
Dry Break Cam & Groove Couplings
Hammer Unions
Hydraulic Quick Connect Couplings
Railcar Unloading Assemblies
Safety Break-Away Couplings
*Many air hose coupling types are also suitable for water / fluid service, please inquire.
Note: Always be sure to use the approved hose, couplings, and clamping systems designed for your application and pressure rating requirements.
Please contact us to determine which coupling style is appropriate and safe for your application.